
 To je bila pošast, ki je imela kačji rep, kozje telo, levjo glavo in je bruhala ogenj. Ubil jo je en izobčenec Bellerophon. Izobčenec pa je bil zato, ker je ubil svojega brata, zaradi ljubosumja. Kralj Liciye ga je poslal naj ubije to pošast. Bellerophon je zajahal svojega krilatega konja in je ti pošast s sulico zabil v zemljo. In od tistega trenutka naprej na tej gori gori večnji ogenj.

It was a monster that had the tail of a snake, the body of a goat, the head of a lion, and spewed fire. She was killed by one outcast Bellerophon. But he was an outcast because he killed his brother, out of jealousy. The king of Liciye sent him to kill this monster. Bellerophon mounted his winged horse and speared the monster into the ground. And from that moment on, eternal fire burns on this mountain.
