Izlet po Limassolu

Danes smo se odločili da po zajtrku odidemo do živalskega vrta v Limassolu. Do tam smo prišli peš, večino časa smo hodili ob plaži in pot mi je bila zelo všeč.
Videl sem veliko lepih plaž, lepo arhitekturo, turnir v odbojki in še številne druge stvari. V živalskem vrtu smo videli veliko živali, najbolj so mi ble všeč koze, ki so se med seboj zabijale z rogovi, da bi pokazale dominanco. Domov smo prišli z avtobusom in večer končali z kartami in druženjem.

Today we decided to go to the zoo in Limassol after breakfast. We got there on foot, most of the time we walked along the beach and I really liked the path.
I saw many beautiful beaches, beautiful architecture, a volleyball tournament and many other things. We saw a lot of animals in the zoo, I liked the goats the most, which stuck their horns at each other to show dominance. We came home by bus and ended the evening playing cards and socializing.

