Danes smo dan začeli z zajtrkom, kavo in se nato odpravili na avtobus, da pridemo na delo. Ob petkih je v naši firmi največ dela, saj se nabere veliko paketov in vse je treba dostaviti v enem dnevu. Z mentorjem na delu, ki mu je ime George, smo razvažali pakete do štirih popoldne in nato odšli domov. Kot ponavadi je delu sledilo kopanje in odbojka na mivki, kasneje pa smo se odpravili na pijačo v mesto in končali prakso na Cipru z glasbo, petjem in samimi dobrimi spomini.
Today we started the day with breakfast, coffee and then headed to the bus to get to work. Fridays are the busiest in our company, as many packages accumulate and all must be delivered in one day. With a mentor at work, whose name is George, we delivered packages until four in the afternoon and then went home. As usual, the work was followed by swimming and beach volleyball, and later we went for a drink in the city and finished the internship in Cyprus with music, singing and good memories.
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