Jaz sem Maj Brandstatter, dijak SC PET, smer tehnik elektronskih komunikacij. Odhoda na Irsko se veselim že kar nekaj časa. Treniram košarko že 12 let. V glasbeni šoli sem igral kitaro 7 let, vendar sem že vse pozabil. Na Irskem bom najbolj pogrešal družino in prijatelje. Danes gremo z prijatelji ven z avtom, ker je včeraj naredil še en prijatelj izpit. Vožnje z letalom me ni strah, saj sem med počitnicam odšel v Španijo, tako da vem kako vse poteka. Danes zjutraj smo prišli v šolo z avtom, saj imam tudi jaz izpit za avto. Pobral sem tudi Uroša in Davida, saj sta moje dva sokrajana. Ko pridem iz šole, bom šel spat za kakšno urco. 

Lep pozdrav, Maj Brandstatter

I am Maj Brandstatter, SC PET student, majoring in electronic communication techniques. I have been looking forward to going to Ireland for quite some time. I have been coaching basketball for 12 years. I played the guitar in music school for 7 years, but I have already forgotten everything. I will miss my family and friends the most in Ireland. Today, my friends and I are going out by car because another friend took an exam yesterday. I'm not afraid of flying, because I went to Spain during the holidays, so I know how everything works. This morning we came to school by car, because I also have a driving test. I also picked up Uroš and David, as they are my two compatriots. When I get home from school, I'll go to bed for an hour or so.

Kind regards, Maj Brandstatter


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