Predzadnji dan

Včeraj zjutraj smo se zbudile ob devetih in odšle na zajtrk. Po zajtrku smo se odpravile na plažo. Tam smo bile do dvanajstih za tem pa odšle na kosilo. Odšle smo v hotel, kjer smo pisale blog, izpolnjevale anketo in  logbook. Ob petih smo imeli zaključni sestanek, kjer smo dobili certifikat za opravljeno prakso, kape in skodelice. Po večerji smo igrali odbojko in se še zadnjič skopali v morju. Večer pa smo zaključili s kartanjem.


Yesterday morning we woke up at 9 and went to breakfast. After breakfast we went to the beach. We stayed there until 12:00 and then went for lunch. We went to the hotel where we wrote the blog, filled in the survey and the logbook. At five o'clock we had a final meeting where we got our internship certificate, caps and cups. After dinner we played volleyball and had one last swim in the sea. We finished the evening with a game of cards.


