Pot nazaj domov

Po 2 tednih zelo dobro preživljenih dneh v Sevilli je tudi za nas napočil čas, da gremo domov. Ob 8 smo se zbudile se pripravile za naporen dan letenja in odšle na zadnji zajtrk v Sevilli. Po zajtrku smo še vse potrebno pospravile v kovčke in še zadnjič stehtale. Ob 10:00 nas je taksi odpeljel na letališče. Tam smo bili malo prehitro, zato smo se šli kartat dokler niso odprli blagajne ta prijavo na let. Po prijavi smo šli skozi varnosti pregled in nato čakali na letalo. Nekaj majhnega smo še pojedli in se nato vsedli na klopce in čakali na odprtje terminala. Ob 13:30 se je terminal odprl in ob 13:47 smo vzleteli. Let je bil miren in hiter. Okoli 16:17 smo pristali in se začeli izkrcavati. Na letališču smo vzeli svoje kovčke in odšli počakati voznika, ki nas bo odpeljal domov. Čez kar nekaj časa čakanja nas je le končno prišel iskati. Na bencinski postaji Lom je voznik ustavil, kjer me je družina že čakala. Zelo sem vesela, da sem se odločila, da sem sprejela povabilo na Erazmus+, saj je bila zelo odlična izkušnja. Odločila sem se, da če bom imela možnost bi še enkrat šla.

After 2 weeks of very well spent days in Seville, it was also time for us to go home. We woke up at 8, got ready for a hard day of flying and went to have our last breakfast in Seville. After breakfast, we put everything we needed into our suitcases and weighed one last time. At 10:00 a taxi took us to the airport. We were there a little too early, so we went to play cards until they opened the ticket office for this flight check-in. After checking in, we went through security and then waited for the plane. We ate something small and then sat down on the benches and waited for the terminal to open. At 13:30 the terminal opened and we took off at 13:47. The flight was smooth and fast. Around 16:17 we landed and started disembarking. At the airport, we took our bags and went to wait for the driver to take us home. After quite a while of waiting, he finally came looking for us. The driver stopped at the Lom gas station, where my family was already waiting for me. I am very happy that I decided to accept the invitation to Erasmus+, because it was a very great experience. I decided that if I had the chance, I would go again.
