Vrnitev v Ljubljano

Zjutraj smo vstali ob petih zjutraj, pospravljali smo še zadnje stvari nato pa smo se odpravili na zajtrk. Okoli šestih sta po nas prišla profesor in voznik, poslovili smo se od Iwone in se odpravili proti letališču. Prišli smo prezgodaj, tako da smo še malo počakali, nato pa se odpravili skozi check-in, kjer smo za razliko od Zagreba, sami stehtali prtljago in jo oddali na tekoči trak, nato smo se odpravili proti security checpoint-u, kjer je bila manjša gneča, čakanje je trajalo približno 15min. Vzleteli smo malo pred deseto uro, let je bil miren, pristanek lep, izkrcali pa smo se okoli 13.30. Na izhodu je bila večja gneča, tako da smo prišli iz letališča okoli 14.20 in počakali na voznika. Med vožnjo smo se ustavili na počivališču za manjšo pavzo, potem pa nadaljevali pot proti Grosuplju in Ljubljani. 

Terminal 2 letališča v Dublinu

Prehod v terminal 1

Vkrcavanje na letalo

In the morning, we got up at 5 in the morning, cleaned up the last things, and then went to breakfast. Around 6 o'clock the professor and the driver came to pick us up, we said goodbye to Iwona and headed for the airport. We arrived too early, so we waited a little longer, and then went through the check-in, where, unlike in Zagreb, we weighed our luggage ourselves and put it on the conveyor belt, then we headed to the security checkpoint, where it was less crowded, the wait lasted about 15 minutes. We took off a little before ten o'clock, the flight was calm, the landing was beautiful, and we disembarked around 1:30 p.m. It was more crowded at the exit, so we got out of the airport around 14:20 and waited for the driver. During the drive, we stopped at a rest area for a short break, and then continued our journey towards Grosuplje and Ljubljana.
