Zjutraj smo vstali ob 7.00, pojedli smo zajtrk in se odpravili vsak v svojo službo. Ko sva prišla na delo sva počakala na Karla, on pa nama je dodelil naloge. Nejc je začel sestavljati računalnik, jaz pa sem pripravil dva računalnika za uporabo in testiral delovanje. Kasneje sva se skupaj z šefom Robertom odpeljala na drug konec Dublina, kamor sva dostavila pošiljko eni od strank podjetja. Ko sva se vrnila je Nejc sestavljal že naslednji računalnik, jaz pa sem začel sestavljati drugega. Po službi sva se odpravila v center, tam sva nekaj pojedla potem pa sva se ločila, Nejc je malo raziskoval center, jaz pa sem se odpravil proti morju, kjer se nahajajo pisarne večjih svetovnih podjetij (Google, Airbnb, Wix, Salesforce, Fiserv...) in pa čudovit razgled.
Zgradba pisarn Google-a |
Zgradba pisarn Google-a |
In the morning we got up at 7:00 a.m., we ate breakfast and each of us went to our jobs. When we got to work, we waited for Karlo, and he assigned us tasks. Nejc started building the computer and I prepared two computers for use and tested the operation. Later, together with our boss Robert, we drove to the other end of Dublin, where we delivered a shipment to one of the company's customers. When we returned, Nejc was already assembling the next computer, and I started assembling another. After work we went to the center, we had something to eat there, and then we parted ways, Nejc is a bit of a research center, and I went to the sea, where the offices of major global companies are located (Google, Airbnb, Wix, Salesforce, Fiserv. ..) and a wonderful view.
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