Po festivalu

 Danes sva s Timom na praksi zlagala in razvrščala izdelke, ki so nam ostali od festivala Comic Con nazaj na police trgovine. Takrat ko sva zložila vse tja kamor spada, mi je Carlo podal nalogo, da poskusim sestaviti računalnik za stranko. Žal nimam veliko izkušenj s sestavljanjem računalnikov, kot jih ima Tim, zato mi je Carlo veliko pomagal, ter zraven razlagal kaj katera komponent naredi, ali kaj nek kabel poveže. Ko je bil računalnik sestavljen, je šef Robert rekel, da je blizu naše trgovine našel novo delavsko menzo z dobro in poceni hrano. Tja nas je odpeljal na malico, vsi smo si vzeli pohanega piščanca s pomfrijem in curry omako. Bilo je zelo dobro. Ko smo prišli nazaj iz malice se na prej sestavljen računalnik naložil sistem Windows 11 in posodobil programsko opremo na komponentah. Nato sem še zagnal izvajanje testa na računalniku, da vidimo, če vse deluje tako kot je potrebno.

Today, at practice, Tim and I stacked and sorted the products we had left over from the Comic Con festival back on the store shelves. When we put everything where it belongs, Carlo gave me the task of trying to build a computer for a customer. Unfortunately, I don't have as much experience in assembling computers as Tim has, so Carlo helped me a lot, explaining what each component does or what a certain cable connects. When the computer was assembled, boss Robert said that he found a new workers canteen near our store with good and cheap food. He took us there for brunch, we all had fried chicken with fries and curry sauce. It was very good. When we got back from lunch, I loaded Windows 11 system on the previously assembled computer and updated the software on the components. I then ran a test run on the computer to see if everything was working as it should.


Lep starodobnik pred delavsko menzo
Nice old-timer in front of workers canteen

Na poti z dela
On our way back from work
