Nazaj na delo

 Danes smo se zbudili ob 7:00, pojedli zajtrk in se pripravili za službo. Z Urošom sva odšla na avtobus ob 8:30 in prispela v službo ob 9:45. Danes sva za začetek natisnila cene za donirane plišaste igrače, preden sva jih dala v prodajo pa smo preuredili polico z igrčami. Potem sva skrbela da so bili obešalniki urejeni in pomagala kjer je bila pomoč potrebna, za konec pa sva pomagala prenesti odvečno robo na tovornjak, ki jo je odpeljal na drugo lokacijo. Sledila je vožnja domov na počitek. Zvečer pa smo tudi izpolnili obrazec za go-kart, katerega bomo vozili jutri.

Today we woke up at 7:00, ate breakfast and got ready for work. Uroš and I left for the bus at 8:30 and arrived at work at 9:45. Today, to start with, we printed the prices for the donated plush toys, and before we put them on sale, we rearranged the toy shelf. Then we made sure that the hangers were arranged and helped where help was needed, and finally we helped transfer the excess goods to the truck, which took it to another location. A ride home to rest followed. In the evening, we also filled out the form for the go-kart, which we will drive tomorrow.

