Malo zabave

Danes smo vstali ob 7.00 zjutraj, pojedli smo zajtrk in se odpravili v službo. Ko sva prišla na delo sva z Nejcom dobila nalogo, da počistiva prostore podjetja in preveriva če se zaloga ujema z zalogo na spletni strani, kasneje pa sem dobil še nalogo da naložim operacijski sistem na računalnik in ga pripravim za nadaljno uporabo. Danes sva iz službe odšla malo prej, ker smo se z ostalimi dogovorili za karting, ki je bil blizu najine službe tja naju je pa odpeljal kar šef Robert. Na kartingu so nam predstavili pravila potem pa smo se oblekli in odpravili na stezo. Po kartingu smo se odpravili še v center na sladoled, potem pa smo šli domov.


Računalnik ki sem ga pripravljal

Today we got up at 7:00 in the morning, ate breakfast and went to work. When we got to work, Nejc and I were given the task of cleaning the company's premises and checking if the stock matches the stock on the website, and later I was given the task of loading the operating system onto the computer and preparing it for further use. Today we left work a little early because we agreed with the others to go karting, which was close to our work, but our boss Robert took us there. We were introduced to the rules of karting, and then we got dressed and went to the track. After the karting, we went to the center for ice cream, and then we went home.
