Včeraj zvečer, smo za danes naredili rezervacijo za gokarte ob 15.00. Zajtrk in pot do službe sta potekala tako kot po navadi. V službo sva prišla ob 9.30 in do 12.00 urejala obleke in igrače. Ob 13.00 smo se s profesorjem dobili pri Jim Larkin kipu. Pred odhodom, smo skupaj pojedli pico v Papa Johnsu, nato pa z avtobusom odšli proti gokartih. Tam smo si pogledali kratek film o varnosti, dobili masko, čelado, rokavice in dirkalno obleko. Dirkali smo zelo zabavnih 30 minut. Potem smo v centru pojedli še en sladoled, se malo sprehodili in odšli domov. Doma smo pojedli večerjo in se zrihtali za spanje.
Yesterday evening, we made a reservation for today for go-karting at 3:00 p.m. Breakfast and the way to work went as usual. We came to work at 9:30 and arranged clothes and toys until 12:00. At 1:00 p.m., the professor and I met at the Jim Larkin statue. Before leaving, we ate pizza together at Papa Johns, and then took the bus to the go-karts. There we watched a short safety film, got a mask, helmet, gloves and race suit. We raced for a very fun 30 minutes. Then we ate another ice cream in the center, walked a bit and went home. We ate dinner at home and went to bed.
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