Danes sva s Timom na praksi skoraj samostojno sestavila dva računalnika. Nato sva preverila še funkcije kot so wi-fi, bluetooth, delovanje vhodov za priključke. Na koncu pa izvedeva še stresni test na računalniku kot je na primer test večopravilnosti in zahtevni 3D test grafične kartice.
Današnje vreme je bilo zelo "irsko". Cel dan je pihal veter z rahlim dežjem. Dežnik ne pomaga nič.
Today, Tim and I assembled two computers almost independently at practice. Then we checked functions such as wi-fi, bluetooth, and the functioning of the input ports. Finally, we perform a stress test on the computer, such as a multitasking test and a demanding 3D graphics card test.
Today's weather was very "Irish". The wind blew with light rain all day. The umbrella doesn't help.
Priprava matične plošče za vgradnjo v računalnik. Preparing thr motherboard for installation in the computer. |
Računalnik, ki sem ga sestavil jaz. Computer built by me. |
Računalnik, ki ga je sestavil Tim. Computer built by Tim. |
Testiranje računalnika. Computer testing. |
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