Delovna nedelja

Jutro je bilo, kot vsako do sedaj, le da sva danes zjutraj vstala le jaz in Nejc, ostali pa so spali dlje. Ker je nedelja, so vozni redi malo drugačni, tako da sva šla na avtobus ob 8.08 in ne kot ponavadi na avtobus ob 7.58. Vožnja je bila hitra in sva bila v mestu že malo pred 9 uro, ker pa sva bila zgodnja, sva se odločila, da se proti konvencijskemu centru odpraviva peš. Pred center sva prišla nekaj minut čez deveto uro, tam je bila že manjša gneča, ker pa sva imela zapestnice za razstavitelje so naju spustili takoj v stavbo. Ko sva prišla do stojnice, so bili tam že, Karlo, Leny in šef Robert, kasneje pa je prišel še Khaled. Ob 10 uri so začeli spuščati prve ljudi, ti so plačali dodaten denar za vstopnico, s katero so prišli v stavbo prej (early ticket) in so tako lahko obšli stojnice brez gužvanja. Čez kakšno uro so začeli spuščati še ostale ljudi, takrat pa se je začela tudi gneča, po statističnih podatkih, naj bi namreč sejem v dveh dneh obiskalo več kot 20,000 ljudi. Medtem sva jaz in Nejc pomagala na stojnici, večinoma pri temu, da sva skrbela, da delujejo vsi računalniki, na katerih so se obiskovalci preizkusili v različnih igrah, manjši del pa tudi pri prodaji izdelkov podjetja in pomoči strankam. Vmes sem si vzel pavzo za ogled večjega dela sejma, najbolj presenetljive/zanimive so mi bile dolge kolone za slikanje z različnimi igralci iz filmov in računalniških iger, ki so ponujali slikanje za 50€ in avtografe za 35€. Zanimivi pa so bili tudi zelo natančno narejeni kostumi ljudi, ki so se v njihove vloge zelo vživeli. Sejem se je končal ob 17 uri, takrat smo začeli tudi pospravljati stojnico, okoli 18 pa smo jaz, Nejc in Khaled skupaj zapustili sejem in se odpravili proti domu. Domov sva prišla ob 19 uri. 

The morning was like every other one so far, except that only Nejc and I got up this morning, and the others slept longer. Since it's Sunday, the timetables are a little different, so we got on the 8:08 bus instead of the usual 7:58 bus. The drive was fast and we were in the city a little before 9 o'clock, but since we were early, we decided to walk towards the convention center. We arrived in front of the center a few minutes after nine o'clock, there was already a small crowd, but because we had wristbands for exhibitors, we were allowed into the building immediately. When we got to the stand, Karlo, Leny and boss Robert were already there, and Khaled came later. At 10 o'clock they started to let the first people in, they paid extra money for the ticket with which they got into the building earlier (early ticket) and thus could bypass the stands without crowding. After about an hour, they started letting the rest of the people in, and then the crowd started, according to statistics, more than 20,000 people were supposed to visit the fair in two days. In the meantime, Nejc and I helped out at the booth, mostly making sure that all the computers were working, on which the visitors tried their hand at various games, but also a small part in selling the company's products and helping customers. In the meantime, I took a break to see a larger part of the fair, the most surprising/interesting to me were the long lines for taking pictures with various actors from movies and computer games, offering pictures for 50€ and autographs for 35€. Also interesting were the very carefully made costumes of the people who really got into their roles. The fair ended at 5 p.m., at which time we also started cleaning the stand, and around 6 p.m. me, Nejc and Khaled left the fair together and headed home. We came home at 7 p.m.
