Dan prej


Moje ime je Tim, prihajam iz Ljubljane in imam mlajšo sestro. Star sem 18 let in sem 3. letnik na Srednji tehniški in strokovni šoli na ŠC PET, program Tehnik elektronskih komunikacij. V prostem času se rad družim s prijatelji.  Jutri se ob 3 zjutraj dobimo pred šolo, od kjer se bomo odpeljali proti Zagrebu, tam nas čaka let v Dublin. Irske se zelo veselim, najbolj novih izkušenj, poznanstev in novih znanj. Izkušnja pa bo še bolj zanimiva, ker bomo živeli pri Irski družini, in delali v lokalnem podjetju.


My name is Tim, I come from Ljubljana and I have a younger sister. I am 18 years old and in my 3rd year at the Secondary Technical and Professional School at ŠC PET, Electronic Communications Technician program. In my free time, I like to hang out with my friends. Tomorrow at 3 in the morning we will meet in front of the school, from where we will drive to Zagreb, where the flight to Dublin is waiting for us. I am very much looking forward to Ireland, especially new experiences, acquaintances and new knowledge. The experience will be even more interesting because we will live with an Irish family and work in a local company.
