Tako kot večino dni do sedaj smo se ob 7.00 zbudili, pojedli zajtrk in odpravili v službo. Danes sva z Davidom sortirala starejše stvari, ki se niso prodale v druge Vincents trgovine. Nato sva po trgovini pomagala strankam, obleke ki niso bile pravilno obešene sva obesila na pravo mesto ter nudila pomoč kjer je bila potrebna. Službo sva zaključila ob 15.00 in domov prišla ob 16.30. Doma sva nekaj časa počivala potem smo pa imeli večerjo. Po večerji smo se še malo družili in odpravili spat.
Like most days so far, we woke up at 7:00 a.m., ate breakfast and went to work. Today David and I were sorting through the older stuff that didn't sell to the other Vincents stores. After that, we helped customers around the store, we hung clothes that were not hung properly in the right place and offered help where needed. We finished work at 15:00 and came home at 16:30. We rested at home for a while and then had dinner. After dinner, we hung out a little more and went to bed.
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