Ker jutri zgodaj zjutraj ze odhajamo o danes jedli naso zadnjo vecerjo. Zaradi slabega vremena so nam hrano kar pripeljali do hotela in smo jo jedli kar tu. Dobili smo burittote z mesom in zelenjavo. Ker jih je nakj ostali sem si enega se razdelil s sosolcem Jakom. Burittoti so bili kar dobrega okusa in pojedel sem vse. Glede na to, da je bila to zadnja vecerja je bila kar vredu.
Jutri nas caka samo se zajtrk, nas zadnji obrok.
Because we are leaving early tomorrow morning and we ate our last dinner today. Because of the bad weather, they brought our food to the hotel and we ate it right there. We got burritos with meat and vegetables. Since there were some left over, I shared one with my roommate Jaka. The burritos tasted pretty good and I ate them all. Considering that it was the last supper, it was quite good.
Tomorrow we only have breakfast, our last meal.
Miloš Marinoski
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