vecerno igranje namiznega tenisa

 Po napornem pohodnem dnevu, smo se v vecernih urah odlocili, da se bomo malo podruzili in zato smo odigrali turnircek namiznega tenisa. Odigral sem nekaj iger ne pa prevec, saj sem postal zaspan. Igral sem proti sosolcu Lanu, Tianu in Jaku. Zmagal sem vse tri. Nato je napocil cas, da igram se proti sosolkici Nei. Njej sem moral priznati poraz, ker je bila zares dobra.

After a tiring hiking day, in the evening we decided to socialize a bit and therefore played a table tennis tournament. I played a few games but not too much as I got sleepy. I played against my roommate Lan, Tian and Jak. I won all three. Then it was time for me to play against my roommate Nei. I had to admit defeat to her because she was really good.

Miloš Marinoski
