Švercanje na tekmo!!!

 Ker vem, da spremljate naše bloge ste opazili, da smo obiskali nogometno tekmo Antalya : Besiktas. Zato se vam je postavilo tudi vprašanje, kako smo sploh prišli do kart, ki so bile razprodane. Jaz in Jaka sva bila željna ogleda tekme, ko sva izvedela da kart nikakor nemoremo dobiti sva bila žalostna ampak nisva obupala. Najni glavi sta bili na mestu saj sva v momentu dobila genijalno idejo in podkupila lokalne varnostnike. Za manjšo ceno kot bi sicer plačali. Izkazala sva se v najbolsi luči. Tekma je bila super tako kot vzdusje na njej.

"Since I know that you follow our blogs, you have noticed that we visited the Antalya: Besiktas football match. Therefore, you might be wondering how we managed to get the tickets that were sold out. Jaka and I were eager to watch the game, but we were saddened when we found out that we could not get the tickets. However, we did not give up, and we had a brilliant idea of bribing the local security for a lower price than usual. We proved ourselves in the best light, and the match was fantastic, as well as the atmosphere."
