Restavracijski škandal!!!

 Kot že vsi “Erasmovci” vemo hrana v Turčiji ne presega naših pričakovanj. Na žalost je hrana nenutristična, ista ter kdaj “strupena”. Naši prijatelji Romuni so že potrdili zastrupitev z ovčjimi pleskavicami. Včeraj je pa napočil trenutek, ki smo ga vsi čakali otvoritev restavracije “Golden Wok” ista restravracija kot smo ze jedli cel teden ampak je bila danes uradno odprta. Na dan otvoritve smo vsi bili veseli, ker smo lahko izbirali svojo jed preko jedilnika. Vsi smo pridno naročili pijačo ter hrano. Prijatelj Milosh je pa iz heca tudi štopal koliko časa bojo rabili da prinesejo hrano. Iz heca se je to prelevilo v pravo “nočno moro” kajti nismo dobili ne pijače ne hrane več kot eno uro. Bili smo lačni, utrujeni, zaspani in prestokani od pritoževanja kje je naša hrana. Po 1uri in 45min je vsa skupina dobila koncno za jest, razen jaz. Ko so ze vsi pojedli je že tekla 2ura čakanja jaz sem obupan ostal od mize in rekel, da nebom vec cakal ker je to ne sprejemljivo. Turki so se mi danes opravičili.

As all "Erasmus" students know, food in Turkey does not meet our expectations. Unfortunately, the food is not nutritious, it is the same and sometimes "poisonous". Our Romanian friends have already confirmed food poisoning from lamb kebabs. Yesterday, the moment we had all been waiting for finally arrived, the opening of the "Golden Wok" restaurant, the same restaurant where we had been eating all week but now officially open. On the day of the opening, we were all happy because we could choose our food from the menu. We all ordered drinks and food. Our friend Milosh jokingly timed how long it would take for the food to arrive. Jokingly, it turned into a real "nightmare" because we did not receive any drinks or food for over an hour. We were hungry, tired, sleepy, and exhausted from complaining about where our food was. After 1 hour and 45 minutes, the entire group finally got to eat, except for me. By the time everyone finished eating, it had been 2 hours of waiting, and I was desperate, so I left the table and said I wouldn't wait anymore because this is unacceptable. The Turks apologized to me today.
