danes smo se odlocili preden smo sli na lokalni bazar da bi lahko danes zvecer spekli palacinke. Edini problem je biu oz ovira da bi rabili delati palacinke z dvema mokama. Ena brez glutena druge pa z glutenom. Na koncu smo se odlocili da nebomo komplicirali ter smo pripravili palacinke brez glutena. Vse je potekalo super brez kakrsnih koli vecjih problemou. vsi so bili veseli ter so bili zelo zadovolnii z vsem takoda bomo sigurno ponovili.
pancake party
today we decided before we heard about the local bazaar that we could bake pancakes this evening. The only problem is that you would have to make pancakes with two flours. One without gluten and the other with gluten. In the end, we decided not to complicate things and prepared gluten-free pancakes. Everything went great without any major problems. everyone was happy and very satisfied with everything, so we will definitely do it again.
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