Danes je zadnji celotni dan na naši praksi, zjutraj smo obiskali srednjo šolo. Počutili smo se kot prave zvezde na njej, njihova šola se precej razlikuje od naše. Popoldne smo še obiskali bazar in kupili darila za naše najdražje. Nato je pa sledilo pakiranje vseh oblačil ter spominov. Če sem iskren sem malo žalosten ker se je ta naša avantura končala, preživeli smo veliko situacij jih rešili in naredili iz njih polno smeha. Rad bi vsem povedal, da hvala za vse spomine, res se splača iti na Erasmus +.
Today is our last full day of our internship. In the morning, we visited a high school and felt like real stars. Their school is quite different from ours. In the afternoon, we visited a bazaar and bought gifts for our loved ones. Then we packed all our clothes and memories. To be honest, I'm a little sad that our adventure has come to an end. We experienced a lot of situations, solved them, and made them full of laughter. I would like to tell everyone that thank you for all the memories, it's really worth going to Erasmus +.
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