odhod domov

 danes smo okoli 9.10 odlsi iz pred hotela do letalisca. Danes je vse potekalo normalno brez problema saj na letaliscu ni bilo guzve ker so danes volitve v turciji. let smo imeli ob 12.10. Let je trajal priblizno 2 uri pa 30 min na koncu je biu pristanek malo trd ampak se je dalo zdrzati in smo varno prispeli. Vse skupaj je bila super iskusna in sem bil vesel da sem sem na erasmus. 

leaving home 

today around 9:10 we left from the front of the hotel to the airport. Today everything went normally without any problem, because there was no crowd at the airport because today is the election in Turkey. we had a flight at 12.10. The flight lasted approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes at the end, the landing was a little hard, but it was manageable and we arrived safely. All in all, it was a great experience and I was happy to be here on Erasmus.

blaz kavcic
