Danes smo se ob 9.30 odpravili do ene izmed srednjih šol v Turčiji. Tam so nas prijetno sprejeli in kar hitro smo se odpravili v šolo. Najprej smo šli v pisarno njihovega podravnatelja, kjer smo ugotovili da je na šoli okoli 1000 dijakov in dijakinj, starih od 15 do 18 let. Nato smo se odpravili po šoli v različne razrede, erazmovci sami pa smo se tudi hoteli priključiti uri matematike, a za to nismo imeli časa. Pogledali smo tudi njihovo telovadnico, nato pa so fantje seveda morali odigrati še igro nogometa z turškimi dijaki. Po celotnem ogledu pa smo počakali na avtobus, ki nas je odpeljal nazaj do hotela.
Tamara Kotnik
Today at 9:30 we went to one of the secondary schools in Turkey. We were warmly welcomed there and we quickly went to school. First, we went to the office of their vice-principal, where we found out that there are about 1,000 male and female students aged 15 to 18 at the school. Then we went around the school to different classes, and the Erasmus students themselves also wanted to join the math class, but we didn't have time for that. We also looked at their gym, and then of course the boys had to play a game of soccer with the Turkish students. After the entire tour, we waited for the bus that took us back to the hotel.
Tamara Kotnik
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