Danes smo obiskali srednjo šolo v Antalyi. Najprej smo opazili drugačnost dijakov ter uniforme, ki jih pri nas nismo vajeni. Zaradi naših oblačil in svetlejše polti smo prav hitro postali atrakcija. Na šoli naj bi bilo okoli 1000 učencev vsaj tako nam je povedal pomočnica ravnatelja. Obisk se je končal z prijatelsko tekmo kjer so naši fantje pokazali kaj zares zmorejo.

Today we visited a high school in Antalya. First, we noticed the difference in the students and their uniforms, which we are not used to seeing. Because of our clothes and lighter complexion, we quickly became an attraction. The school is said to have around 1000 students, at least that's what the assistant principal told us. The visit ended with a friendly match where our boys showed what they are really capable of.
