Danes smo se v vecernih urah odlocili, da gremo igrati nogomet. Pridruzili so se nam tudi Romuni, ki bivajo v istem hotelu kot mi. Igrali smo na igriscu ob obali in na nebu je bila polna luna. Igrali smo 5 na 5 in seveda smo Slovencni zmagali. Dobili smo tudi nekaj obcinstva in smo bili atrakcija.
Today in the evening we decided to go play football. We were also joined by Romanians staying in the same hotel as us. We were playing on the beachside playground and there was a full moon in the sky. We played 5 on 5 and of course the Slovenians won. We also got some audience and were an attraction.
Nea Podbevšek
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