Movie night

 Včeraj sva z kolegom Blažom dogovrila, da bova po palačinkah si vzela prosti večer in si prižgala film. V bližnjem supermarketi sva si kupila kokice in pijačo. Za ogled sva si izbrala film The kingdom, ki govori o preprečevanju terorističnih napadov. Obema je bil film zelo všeč in bi ga z veseljom še enkrt pogledal. Dosti sva imela ponočevanja vsak dan.

Yesterday, my friend Blaž and I agreed to take the evening off and watch a movie after having some pancakes. We went to a nearby supermarket and bought some popcorn and drinks. We chose to watch the movie "The Kingdom," which is about preventing terrorist attacks. We both really enjoyed the movie and would be happy to watch it again. We've been staying up late every night, so it was nice to have a relaxing evening.

Nal Pirc
