Blizu našega hotela je kar nekaj naprav za merjenje moči vdarca. Prejšni teden smo skupaj z ekipo iz Romunije odšli do igrišča in na poti smo se ustavili ravno pri tej napravi. Z vdarci so začeli Romuni, njihovi vdarci so bili kar presenetljivi. Ko smo na vrsto prišli Slovenci je eden izmed naših prekašal vse ostale in tako smo zmagali še na tem področju.
There are several devices to measure the strength of the hit near our hotel. Last week, together with the team from Romania, we went to the field, and on the way, we stopped right at this device. The Romanians started hitting, and their hits were quite surprising. When it was the Slovenians' turn, one of ours surpassed all the others, and so we won in this area too.
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