Kupovanje spominkov

 Danes po kosilu smo se odpravili v Bazar, kjer sem se odlocila, da kupim spominke za svoje ljubljene osebe.Bratu sem kupila nogavice s spuzijem kvadratnikom in patrikom, ker rad nosi odstekane nogavice, babiki sem kupila zapestnico. Kupila sem tudi dve majcki zase. Potem pa sem sla se v lokalno trgovinico kjer imajo veliko spominkov in sem kupila se magnetke za mami in tete, svecke za ocija in caj za bratovo punco,ki je obsedena z cajcki. Sestri in najboljsi prijateljici pa sem kupila shot kozarcke.

Temu bi rekla uspesen “nakup”.

Today, after lunch, we went to the Bazar, where I decided to buy souvenirs for my loved ones. I bought my brother socks with a spuzy square and patrick, because he likes to wear ripped socks, and I bought a bracelet for my grandmother. I also bought two T-shirts for myself. Then I went to a local shop where they have a lot of souvenirs and I bought magnets for my mother and aunts, candles for my father and tea for my brother's girlfriend, who is obsessed with tea. I bought shot glasses for my sister and my best friend.
I would call this a successful "purchase".

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