Napočil je čas za naš zadnji podvig/pohod na naši “praksi”. Že sama profesorja sta zelo opozarjala da bo pot dolga, zahtevna in predvsem mučna. Mi “Erasmovci” ne radi hodimo zato je bil to velik zalogaj za nas. Pot že od samega začetka ni bila lahka. Nekje v prvi četrtini pohoda nas je napadla divja svinja. Ker smo 3.C fantje polni mišic in poguma smo jo uspeli premagati z lahkoto nesmemo pa spustiti tudi poškodb, ki sem jih prejel v boju(Slika spodaj). Pot je nato potekala z veliko jamranja in petja. Po 4 urah in 30min hoje smo le prišli na cilj.
It's time for our last adventure/hike on our "practice". Our professors warned us that the path would be long, demanding, and especially exhausting. As "Erasmus" students, we don't like to walk, so it was a big challenge for us. The path was not easy from the very beginning. In the first quarter of the hike, a wild boar attacked us. As 3.C boys, full of muscles and courage, we managed to defeat it easily, but we can't ignore the injuries I received in the fight (picture below). The path continued with a lot of complaining and singing. After 4 hours and 30 minutes of walking, we finally reached the destination.
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