Današnje kopanje

 Danes smo se odpravili na zelo dolg pohod po Likijski poti, ki je trajala kar 5h. Ker so me noge zelo bolele sem se odšla ohladiti v osvežilno morje. Vrhnji del morja je bil kar mrzel, a pri tleh je bilo zelo toplo morje. Po kopanju sem se počutila boljše in osvežilno. Vsak dan pa se hodimo malo posladkati na tržnico z Turškimi slaščicami.

Today we went on a very long hike along the Lycian Way, which lasted as much as 5 hours. Since my legs hurt a lot, I went to cool off in the refreshing sea. The upper part of the sea was quite cold, but the sea at the bottom was very warm. After bathing I felt better and refreshed. Every day we go to the market with Turkish delights.

Iza Malovrh
