Prvi dan Antalya

 Pot do letališča se je zelo vlekla, zato smo si krajšali čas z pogovorom iz spoznavanjem drug drugega. Na letalisce smo prispeli predčasno, da nebi šlo kaj narobe. Let je bil tekoč brez turbolence ali slabega vremena. Nato je sledila vožnja do hotela, takoj smo spoznali ostale “Erasmovce” iz drugih držav, sedaj čakamo na večerjo.

The journey to the airport was dragging on, so we passed the time getting to know each other through conversation. We arrived at the airport early to avoid any mishaps. The flight was smooth without any turbulence or bad weather. Then followed a drive to the hotel, where we immediately met other Erasmus students from different countries and now we are
