Ko smo izstopili, mi je začel kruliti želodec. Počutil sem se slabo in vse bi naredil za hrano saj od Dunaja nisem nič jedel. Takoj ko smo zašli v promet sem vedel, da bu bilo tukaj zelo težko upravljati izpit. Avti na cesti so predelani in so mi zelo všeč.
When we get out of plane, my stomach started to rumble. I felt sick and would do anything for food because i hadn’t eaten anything since Vienna. As soon as we hit a traffic i knew that it would be very difficult to manage the driving licence. The cars on the road are converted and i relly like it this way.
When we get out of plane, my stomach started to rumble. I felt sick and would do anything for food because i hadn’t eaten anything since Vienna. As soon as we hit a traffic i knew that it would be very difficult to manage the driving licence. The cars on the road are converted and i relly like it this way.
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