Živjo Blaž tukaj, napisal sem nekaj malega o sebi ,da me bolje spoznate

 Moje ime je Blaž, ter pišem se Kavčič. Star sem 18 let. Hodim v 3. letnik srednje šole ŠC5 smer ekonomski tehnik. Prihajam iz Vrhnike. Zelo rad se ukvarjam z različnimi športi naj raje pa imam nogomet, saj ga treniram že kar 13 let. Poleg nogometa v prostem času zelo rad kuham,  se spomnim kakšne nove jedi ki bi jo lahko pripravil. Naj raje pa imam seveda ko na koncu vse skupaj uspe inje hrana zelo okusna. Imam tudi mlajšega brata ter eno starejšo sestro. Imamo pa seveda tudi hišno žival in to je psička Bella, ki je stara 1 leto.

Something about me

My name is Blaž, and my surname is Kavčič. I am 18 years old. I am in the 3rd year of secondary school ŠC5, majoring in economic engineering. I come from Vrhnika. I really like to play different sports, but I prefer football, because I have been training it for 13 years. In addition to football, in my free time I really like to cook, I can think of some new dish that I could prepare. Of course, I prefer it when everything works out in the end when the food is very tasty. I also have a younger brother and one older sister. Of course, we also have a pet and it is the dog Bella, who is 1 year old.

 psička Bella
