Lovro dveh lokacij tu

Živjo, moje ime je Lovro Cunjak. Živim na dveh lokacijah, v Ljubljani in v okolici Grosuplja. Imam mlajšo sestro in brata. Obiskujem 3. letnik na Srednji tehniški in strokovni šoli na ŠC PET . Sem na smeri za tehnika elektronskih komunikacij, kar pomeni, da bom po zaključku izobrazbe imel odprto pot. Moj največji "hobi" oziroma bolj obsession je fitnes. V prostem času sem zunaj s kolegi. Rad snemam , saj imam "profesionalni" dron. Pri mami imamo psa, ki mu je ime Rudi, star je skoraj 9 let. Imamo tudi mačka, po imenu Janko, star je nekaj mesecev.

Hi, my name is Lovro Cunjak. I live in two locations: in Ljubljana and in the vicinity of Grosuplje. I have a younger sister and a brother. I am in my 3rd year at the high school telecommunications. I am on the course to become an electronic communications technician, which means that I will have an open path after completing my education. My biggest "hobby" or rather obsession is fitness. In my spare time I am out with my colleagues. I like to shoot, because I have a "professional" drone. We have a dog with my mother, whose name is Rudi, he is almost 9 years old. We also have a cat named Janko, he is a few months old.
