V Antalyi imajo velik problem z živalmi, saj imajo veliko potepuških mačk in psov. Te živali same težko preživijo, ker ne dobijo skoraj nič hrane in vode. V hudih vremenskih razmerah pa je problem dež in sonce, ker je lahko zelo vroče ali zelo mrzlo. Hrano in vodo dobijo tako, da prosjačijo, posledica pa je, da so zelo prijazne in se pustijo božati. Ponavadi pa ostanejo tam, kjer se navadijo, da imajo streho nad glavo in jim dajejo za jesti in piti.
In Antalya, they have a big problem with animals, because they have a lot of stray cats and dogs. These animals cannot survive on their own because they get almost no food and water. In severe weather conditions, rain and sun are a problem because it can be too hot or too cold for them. They get food and water by begging, and the result is that they are very friendly and allow themselves to be petted. But they usually stay where they get used to having a roof over their head and food and drink.
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