Danes smo po zajtrku odšli v službo, kjer smo imeli izobraževanje o programiranju. Po navodilih predavatelja smo prvo na spletni stani MIT app inventor ustvarili preprosto igrico, robota, ki si ga lahko s pritiski na gumb premikal po ekranu. Nato smo imeli 10 minutno pavzo in nato naredili še eno igrico, kjer nisi smel pustiti avtu, da pride do konca ekrana, resetiral pa si ga tako, da si pritisnil nanj. Obe igrici smo povezali s telefonom in jih lahko tudi sami preizkusili.
Hi, this is Taj Today after breakfast we went to work for a coding training session. Following the lecturer's instructions, we first created a simple game on the MIT app inventor website, a robot that you could move around the screen by pressing a button. Then we had a 10 minute pause and then we made another game where you weren't allowed to let the car come to the end of the screen, but you reset it by pressing on it. We connected both games to our phones and we could try them out for ourselves.
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