Zdravo, Lovro tukaj. Danes bom opisal športne aktivnosti, ki jih tukaj opravljamo. Bolj podrobneje košarko. S prijatelji smo pred nekaj dnevi ugotovili, da imajo v hotelu košarkaško žogo. Ob plaži pa je veliko košarkaških igrišč. Zadnijh nekaj dni smo se zvečer odpravili na košarkaško igrišče tudi s profesorjem, ki nam tudi daje "navodila" kako izboljšati našo igro. S sabo vedno vzamemo zvočnik, da je vzdušje boljše. Danes smo se po kosilu z obema profesorjema odpravili plavat, pred tem pa še na tekmo košarke. Igrali smo v treh ekipah po tri. Včeraj smo se profesorjem ob 8.00 zjutraj odpravili na "lahek" 10 km dolg tek. Tekli smo ob obali in razgled je bil čudovit. Na prvi polovici teka smo se ustavili trikrat. To sem pričakoval tudi na poti nazaj, ampak se nismo ustavili niti enkrat, kar je bil šok.
Hello, Lovro here. Today I will describe the sports activities that we do here. Basketball in more detail.
My friends and I found out a few days ago that we can borrow basketball here in hotel. There are many basketball courts along the beach. In the last few days, we went to the basketball court in the evening with the professor, who also gives us "instructions" on how to improve our game. We always take a speaker with us to make the vibe better. Today, after lunch, we went swimming with the two professors, and before that we went to a basketball game. We played in three teams of three. Yesterday, at 8:00 a.m., four us and the professor had an "easy" 10km run . We ran along the coast and the view was amazing. During the first half of the run we stopped three times I expected this on the way back, but we didn't stop even once, which was a shock.
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