V hotelu smo imeli dijake iz različnih držav, kot so Madžarska, Estonija, Litva, Češka. Z dijaki smo imeli različne skupne aktivnosti kot npr. pohodi, nakupovanje, in kopanje v morju. Vsak večer smo igrali družabne igre, a najpogostejša je bila igra z kartami (DURAK) ter UNO (ENKA). Najbolj sem se razumel Litvanci in Estonkami, nikoli se nismo prepirali in zmeraj je bil prisoten dober duh in humor. Druženje je zmeraj trajalo v pozne ure. Pozne ure niso bile ovira, saj smo lahko spali do devete ure. Vsako jutro smo skupaj zajtrkovali in še kakšno dorekli, preden smo se odpravili na izobraževanje. Po izobraževanju smo skoraj vsak drug dan z Litvanci igrali namizni tenis. Tudi večerjali smo večinoma skupaj. Dogovorili smo se, da vstanemo v stiku tudi po tem ko odidemo domov.
In the hotel, we had students from different countries, such as Hungary, Estonia, Lithuania and the Czech. We had various activities with the students, such as hiking, shopping, and swimming in the sea. We played board games every evening, but the most common were card games (DURAK) and UNO (ENKA). I got along best with Lithuanians and Estonians, we never argued and there was always good spirit and humor. Conpany always lasted into the late hours. The late hours were not an obstacle, as we could sleep until nine o'clock. Every morning we had breakfast together and had another chat before we went to study (work). After education, we played table tennis with the Lithuanians almost every other day. We also mostly had dinner together. We had an aragment that we still stay in touch after we go home.
Super ste...