Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

 Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk je bil prvi predsednik sodobne republike Turčije. Rodil se je 19. maja 1881 v mestu Selanik (danes Solun oz. Thessaloníki), umrl pa je 10. novembra 1938, CarigradBil je turški feldmaršal (mareşal), revolucionarni državnik in ustanovitelj Republike Turčije, katere predsednik je bil od leta 1923 do svoje smrti leta 1938. Tudi po njegovi smrti in vse do sedaj, ga večina turkov časti in slavi, saj je zagotovili, da sta država in vera strogo ločeni, to pa je pomenilo tudi ukinitev sultanata in kalifata. Veliko njegovih kipov in slik se lahko najde v raznih trgovinah in ulicah.

Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was the first president of the modern Republic of Turkey. He was born on May 19, 1881 in Selanik (today Thessaloniki or Thessaloníki), and died on November 10, 1938, Constantinople. He was a Turkish field marshal (mareşal), revolutionary statesman and founder of the Republic of Turkey, whose president he was from 1923 until his death in 1938. Even after his death and until now, he is revered and celebrated by most Turks, as he ensured that the state and religion were strictly separated, and this also meant the abolition of the sultanate and the caliphate. Many of his statues and paintings can be found in various shops and streets.
