Čistoča v Turčiji

 Dober dan,

Čistoča v Turčiji ni ravno na našem nivoju, ampak tudi ni tako slabo. V restavraciji, kjer smo jedli nimajo odtokov in zato se v slabem vremenu nabere voda, ki s seboj prinese različne smeti.  V hotelu, kjer smo nastanjeni skrbijo za čistočo, ampak je težava v tem, da je bolj star in je pohištvo obrabljeno in staro. Turistični deli mesta so počiščeni, ostali del pa je onesnažen z odpadki. Na delovnem mestu, kjer smo bili nastanjeni prve tri dni je bilo po tleh veliko odpadkov in ostankov hrane, na mizah pa je bil velik nered. Med ogledom slapov na obrobju Antalye me je zmotilo to, da je bilo v vodi zelo veliko odpadkov in plastike. 

Good day,

The cleanliness in Turkey is not exactly at our level, but it is not that bad either. The restaurant where we ate has no drains, so in bad weather water accumulates, bringing with it various rubbish. The hotel where we are staying takes care of cleanliness, but the problem is that it is older and the furniture is worn and old. The touristic parts of the city have been cleaned, but the rest is polluted with waste. At the workplace, where we were accommodated for the first three days, there was a lot of waste and leftover food on the floor, and there was a big mess on the tables. While visiting the waterfalls on the outskirts of Antalya, I was disturbed by the fact that there was a lot of waste and plastic in the water.
