13. dan - sporazumevanje v Turčiji (Antalyi)

Vsi pričakujemo, da vsi znajo angleško, predvsem v turističnih mestih. Antalya je definitivno ena izmed bolj turističnih mest v Turčiji. Zato smo vsi pričakovali, da z angleščino ne bo večjih težav, ampak so vseeno bile. Večina ljudi, ki dela tu, ne zna dobro angleško in je zato potrebna uporaba rok, prevajalnika in ostalih pripomočkov. Menim, da bi se to moralo spremeniti, ker bi se vsi lahko veliko bolje razumeli in ne bi prišlo do nesporazumov in drugačnih nevšečnosti. 

We expect everyone to speak English, especially in tourist towns. Antalya is definitely one of the more touristic cities in Turkey. So we all expected that there would be no major problems with English, but there were anyway. Most of the people who work here do not speak English well, which requires the use of hands, translators and other aids. I think that should change, because everybody would be able to understand each other much better and there would be no misunderstandings and other inconveniences.
